Located eight miles west of Sledge, Mississippi, in Birdie – a small community in the heart of the Mississippi Flyway – Duck Hole Farms is owned by brothers Certy and Chuck Aldison, who were born and raised in Sledge on the Coldwater River.
The property is situated in Quitman and Tunica counties and borders the Coldwater River, where you will find flooded CRP, millet, beans, rice, timber, sloughs, and bayous.
Take a look around to learn more about Duck Hole Farms and what you may find here!
Blinds furnished
Guaranteed water
Abide by game laws
Coldwater River boat access
Waterfowl Leases - Terms
1/4 Deposit on lease day (NO REFUNDS), balance due October 1st of lease year. Late payment may result in termination of lease contract.
Current customers have until February 15th to renew their lease. After February 15th all leases are open to be leased by others!